The trouble with being an extrovert.
The trouble with being an extrovert. An Extrovert is defined as “an outgoing, overtly expressive person”. Quite frankly, this definition...

I was watching a TEDx Talk on the skill of self-confidence, until, weirdly enough, I came across another talk on infidelity. The two...

Trust the timing of your life
I was once told to Trust the timing of my life. But what is it really that I’m entrusting myself to? A ruthless grip, a raging machine...

Precious Garments in the Making
We have all had those moments when we feel like our world could collapse at any given moment. We battle with certain experiences, and...

Inter-religious relationships
"I love her, but we can’t be together." I must have heard this statement over a hundred times in my short but nonetheless significant...

Love is immortality
Love is immortality, Jason Silva said. The irony was not lost on me. A lot of the love stories I’ve heard of didn’t live to see the light...

Lucy in the Sky
A year ago, i would have sworn that I would never, in a million years, jump out of a plane. But there I was, knees quivering, heart...

"Happiness is Bad for The Economy"
“The invisible hand” she told us, eyes gleaming with excitement, her bleach blond hair too shiny of a distraction. At that time, it...

The Problem with Feminism
The problem with feminism Yes, the f word. It seems to have made it to the list of the most disliked words in our modern time. Feminism...

25th Rant
My life has reached a full quarter. What a ridiculous notion. Forgive me, I do not wish to give a speech, or bore you all with a useless...